APO 免費線上學習課程:「能源管理與稽核之基本概念」 (General Aspects of Energy Management and Audit)

APO 免費線上學習課程:「能源管理與稽核之基本概念」 (General Aspects of Energy Management and Audit)

APO 秘書處提供免費線上學習課程:「能源管理與稽核之基本概念」(General Aspects of Energy Management and Audit) 

The main objectives of the course are as follows.

1. Acquaint participants with the global energy scenario and environmental issues due to rapid industrialization and excessive use of non-renewable fossil fuels;

2. Familiarizing participants with international agreements on climate change, international standards for energy management systems, renewable energy sources, and basic concepts of energy audit; and

3. Imparting knowledge on pertinent topic topics related to Energy Audit and Management namely monitoring, targeting, financial management, project management, and material and energy balance

